'use strict';
.factory('Searcher', SearcherFactory);
SearcherFactory.$inject = ['$log', '$parse'];
function SearcherFactory ($log, $parse) {
var ARRAY_FILTER_REGEX = /^(.*)\sin\s(.+)$/;
return Searcher;
* Searcher is a factory that allows a property expression to be used to search
* through an objects properties. A property expression is a string that contains a
* path using dot notation that leads to a specific property in an object. Some examples include:
* <code>
* <div>'name'</div>
* <div>'agency.name'</div>
* <div>'a in agencies'</div>
* <div>'a.name in products'</div>
* </code>
* It utilizes the angular
* [$parse]{@link https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$parse} service to facilitate some of this functionality.
* @example
* // Given the following object being searched:
* {
* name: 'John Doe',
* nickname: 'JD',
* counts: [1,2,3,4],
* products: [{
* name: 'Prod',
* related: [{
* relatedItemName: 'Some related item'
* }]
* }]
* }
* var searcher = new Searcher();
* search.prop(<expression>).<action>
* search.prop('i.name in products').contains(dataToSearch, searchTerm);
* Property expression examples:
* 'i.relatedItemName in products.related' => would search everything in relatedItemName
* 'i.name in products' => would search everything in the name key in products
* 'i in counts' => would searching everything in the counts array
* 'nickname' => would search in nickname
* @constructor
* @memberof Services
function Searcher () {
var self = this;
* Executes search by defined property expression
self.prop = function (expression) {
return new PropertyExpression(expression);
* Handles searching for information within an object using a property expression.
* @constructor
* @memberof Services
* @param {string} expression
* Property path to search in
function PropertyExpression (expression) {
var self = this;
* Allows a function to be passed in to perform a manual comparison.
* @public
* @memberof Services.PropertyExpression
* @param {object} data
* Object being searched. An object can be a single object or array
* @param {function} func
* Function that will be executed after each result is iterated. If this function returns
* a value, it will be added to the results array.
* @returns
* Array of matched results
self.criteriaFunc = function (data, func) {
var results = [];
eachResult(data, function (currentObject, value) {
var add = func.call(self, currentObject, value);
if (add) {
return results;
* Iterates through an objects properties using the specified property expression
* and performs a contains comparison.
* @public
* @memberof Services.PropertyExpression
* @param {object} data
* Object being searched. An object can be a single object or array
* @param {string} searchTerm
* The text value to find
* @returns
* Array of matched results
self.contains = function (data, searchTerm) {
var results = [];
eachResult(data, function (currentObject, value) {
if (value.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toString().toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
return results;
* Iterates through an objects properties using the specifed property expression
* and performs an equals comparison.
* @public
* @memberof Services.PropertyExpression
* @param {object} data
* Object being searched. An object can be a single object or array
* @param {string} searchTerm
* The text value to find
* @returns
* Array of matched results
self.equals = function (data, searchTerm) {
var results = [];
eachResult(data, function (currentObject, value) {
if (value.toString() === searchTerm.toString()) {
return true;
return false;
return results;
* Performs a date range comparison
* @public
* @memberof Services.PropertyExpression
* @param {object} data
* Object being searched. An object can be a single object or array
* @param {date} start
* Start date
* @param {date} end
* End date
* @returns
* Array of matched results
self.withinDateRange = function (data, start, end) {
var results = [];
var startDate = new Date(start);
var endDate = new Date(end);
eachResult(data, function (currentObject, value) {
var valueDate = new Date(value);
if (valueDate >= startDate && valueDate <= endDate) {
return true;
return false;
return results;
* Helper function iterates through all objects making the property expression.
* @private
* @memberof Services.PropertyExpression
function eachResult(data, func) {
if (!angular.isArray(data)) {
data = [data];
data.forEach(function (currentObject) {
new Walker(currentObject, expression).walk(function (obj) {
return func.call(self, currentObject, obj);
* Traverses an object based on the property expression. Given a property expression, this will
* recursively evaluate each property within the expression until all properties have been evaluated.
* @constructor
* @memberof Services
* @param {object} data
* Object being traversed
* @param {string} propExpression
* A string containing a property expression to evaluate
function Walker (data, propExpression) {
var self = this;
* The current key in an expression to evaluate
var targetKey = null;
* The keys in a property expression that must be processed
var targetProps = null;
* Determines which object is a primitive type
var isPrimitive = true;
* Flag to indicate whether to retrieve a value from an array using its number
* based index or an objects key within an array
var useIndex = false;
self.walk = function (func) {
find(data, targetProps, func);
* Recursively walks an object to reach the property expression.
* Continuing from our example in the parseKeys() method below, assume we start with the following
* expression:
* <code>
* 'd.name in pets.dogs'</br>
* targetKey => 'name'</br>
* targetProps => ['pets', 'dogs']</br>
* </br>
* This method will evaluate each property in the targetProps array against the current obj (on first iteration)
* or against the preceding expression evaluation until all have been processed.
* Once at the end,
* we evalute the targetKey against the last targetProp. So in this case, we would end up evaluation the
* `name` property in an object within a dogs array.
* </code>
* @public
* @memberof Services.Walker
* @param {object} obj
* Object to traverse
* @param {props} props
* Array of split property expressions.
function find (obj, props, q) {
props = angular.copy(props);
if (!props) {
return q.call(self, $parse(targetKey)(obj));
if (props.length === 0) {
if (isPrimitive || useIndex) {
//return match(obj, q);
return q.call(self, obj);
return q.call(self, $parse(targetKey)(obj));
var curProp = props.shift();
var value = $parse(curProp)(obj);
if (angular.isArray(value)) {
for (var x = 0; x < value.length; x++) {
var found = find(value[x], props, q);
if (found) {
* Parses the property expression to determine the following:
* @private
* @memberof Services.Walker
* - if an array must be traversed
* - if the expression is searching a primitive value
* - if an array is being traversed, then should we pull from the array index (e.g. obj[0])
* or pull from an object within an array (e.g. obj.name)
* @example
* Given the following property expression
* 'd in dogs'
* This will be processed by the ARRAY_FILTER_REGEX. Since this contains `in`, an array is being traversed.
* This will be split into a targetKey and targetProps. The targetKey in this case will be `d` and the targetProps
* will contain an array split on the "." character to yield ['dogs']. Since only `d` was specified, we're only
* targeting the index of the array.
* targetKey => 'd'
* targetProps => ['dogs']
* However, given this expression
* 'd.name in pets.dogs'
* This would result in the following when constructed
* targetKey => 'name'
* targetProps => ['pets', 'dogs']
function parseKeys () {
var m = propExpression.match(ARRAY_FILTER_REGEX);
if (m) {
targetKey = m[1].split('.').splice(1).join('.');
targetProps = m[2].split('.');
isPrimitive = false;
useIndex = (targetKey === '');
} else {
targetKey = propExpression;