new FedrampDataProvider()
Singleton used to store the contents of a storagedata object after it's been pulled.
The idea is to store the initial data load into this service so that
any other angular service/factory/directive/component can inject without having to re-query. Currently,
ui-router resolves are only limited to controllers bound to a state. With this service, we do away with that
This provider allows for a cache property to be configured that enables/disables automatic caching.
Since this is defined as a provider (angular.module.provider), you append the word Provider to the name
defined above. So fedrampData => fedrampDataProvider;
// To configure, you inject the provider into config().
.config(['fedrampDataProvider', function (fedrampDataProvider) {
fedrampDataProvider.defaults.cache = false;
// Then to use it, you just inject it,
someService.$inject = ['fedrampData'];