Class: GridFilter


new GridFilter()

A generic filtering component that utilizes a property expression to extract all available options for a given property. If a property expression is not provided, a custom filterFunc and optionsFunc must be provided Requires to be nested within a Grid component.
// Given the following object being searched:

     name: 'John Doe',
     nickname: 'JD',
     counts: [1,2,3,4],
     products: [{
         name: 'Prod',
         related: [{
             relatedItemName: 'Some related item'


Property expression examples:

'i.relatedItemName in products.related' => would search everything in relatedItemName
' in products' => would search everything in the name key in products
'i in counts' => would searching everything in the counts array
'nickname' => would search in nickname
If a property expression is not provided, a filterFunc and optionsFunc must be provided.
// Example HTML
<grid-filter property="name" header="Name" options="" opened="true"></grid-filter>

// Example of custom filterFunc

function myCustomFilterFunc(myObj, index, arr, selectedOptions){
         if(myObj.someProperty === selectedOption.value){
             return myObj;
         return null;

// Example of custom optionsFunc
function myCustomOptionsFunc(dataset){
    return [{
         label: 'Option 1',
         value: 'My val'


(static) applyFilter()

Filter using current property or filterFunc to populate a list containing items relevant to current filter. Then, we call the doFilter() on the parent gridController which will consolidate and merge all filtered data from other filters.

(static) clear()

Clears filter and resets dataset

(static) loadOptions(source)

Loads an array of available options
Name Type Description
source array Dataset from which to generate available options from.

(static) optionsFunc(source) → {array}

Creates a set of options for a particular property to be filtered on. If an optionsFunc is NOT passed in, utilizes the property expression passed into `property` to automatically traverse the dataset for available options. You can also override this method to add custom options.
Name Type Description
source array The dataset to generate options from.
An array of options that can be selected to filter.
//Sample dataset to return if overriding
     value: value,
     label: label,
     selected: boolean

(static) restoreState()

Checks if any relevant query params exist containing filter values to load and then adds them. Non-primitive objects are stored in the query param as follows: paramName=:(),:()

(static) saveState()

Stores all selected values to the grid state. Primitive values get stored as a comma-separated list of strings. Non-primitive values (objects) get stored as a json string.

(static) selectOption()

Toggles the selection of an option and then executes filter.

(static) toggleCss()

Toggles the selected css class.

(static) wrapFilterFunc()

Wraps a custom filter func with some additonal pre-processing logic to ensure that a filter without any selected options is returned. We also ensure to pass an additonal parameter selectedOptionValues to the callers.

(inner) filterFunc(obj, index, arr, selectedOptionValues)

Executes a filter on the current data set. If custom behavior is required, this method may be overriden by passing in a function for this component.
Name Type Description
obj object Current object in dataset being filtered
index int Index of current object
arr array Array containing entire dataset being filtered
selectedOptionValues array Array of options that have been selected by the user
whether an object was found within the selected options.

(inner) toggleExpand()

Toggles the opening and closing of filter options. If a filter was initially closed, the options are then generated.